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Music, sports, and fun

We sponsor various regional events, generally providing in-kind donations, experience, and expertise. The events might be small ones like VfB Lingen’s international Pentecost tournament and the Lingen dragon boat race, or large ones like Lautfeuer, which is the region’s largest music festival and is organized exclusively by volunteers.

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

 Content Editor ‭[3]‬

Lego fever in Emsland

Since 2017, ROSEN has been a regional partner of the FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL), an international research and robotics competition. For the first time, children and teenagers in the region who are LEGO® enthusiasts have the opportunity to participate in such an exciting competition so near their own homes. The enormous interest confirms that the competition has been well-received and is establishing itself in the region. That is why we added FLL Explore for younger people starting in 2018. We show that technology is fun.