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Waking the spirit of research

For several years, we have been funding various competitions and education initiatives in the region – especially in the MINT disciplines. We donate special prizes, and our specialists serve as consultants and jury members. At ROYOUTH, we also support student teams in completing their projects as part of such initiatives as “Jugend forscht”, a German youth science competition. We want to make natural sciences and technology a positive experience and awake the spirit of research in our young people.

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We are versatile. That is why we not only fund projects in MINT disciplines, but engage in other educational initiatives as well. One example is the Management Information Game, a planning game in which eleventh-graders run an imaginary company for a week. We provide facilities for students in the ROYOUTH Center, offer them presentations by our specialists, and take them on a tour through our company premises. They also have the opportunity to make initial contacts within the company.

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International exchange

As a Lingen company, we promote both regional projects and international exchange – as part of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences Summer University, for example. During this cooperation, students from all over the world visit our Lingen (Ems) location each year. On this day tomorrow’s specialists get insights into our company and attend specialist lectures.