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For the region

We support local and regional sports clubs with active members from the ROSEN family. One example are the “Freren Falcons”, the first wheelchair basketball team in southern Emsland. A ROSEN employee was involved in the teams founding in 2015, and the team has since experienced success. Like ROSEN, athletics focuses on cohesiveness and team spirit. Only together, using the various abilities within the team, can we get ahead.

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

 Content Editor ‭[3]‬

For young talents

We are a family business, so clubs in which our employees are active are not the only ones we support. We also consider their children to be part of the ROSEN family. We place great importance on promoting young athletes. That is why we support various youth teams such as the HSG Haselünne/Herzlake handball team and a number of soccer teams.