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ROSEN at the VDI RegioExpo
5/30/2024 |News

Innovative Strength of the Region

​​In a nutshell:

  • Association of German Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure = VDI) Osnabrück-Emsland district association celebrates 100th anniversary

  • VDI RegioExpo trade fair took place on Saturday, May 25, 2024 in the Emslandhallen Lingen (Ems)

  • ROSEN represented with an exhibition stand, two specialist presentations and an excursion to our hydrogen laboratory

  • ROSEN also financially sponsored the VDI school competition


Happy Birthday - the VDI District Association Osnabrück-Emsland is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, the VDI organized a public trade fair: the VDI RegioExpo. This took place on Saturday, May 25, 2024 in the Emslandhallen in Lingen (Ems). ROSEN also contributed to the event program in form of an exhibition stand, two specialist presentations and an excursion to our hydrogen laboratory, giving visitors exclusive insights into our company's innovations. The motto of the event was 'GreenTech and Sustainability'.


Companies from the region showcase their innovative strength


The doors of the Emslandhallen opened at 10 am on Saturday morning. Whether young or old – the program offered a wide range of activities for both families and trade visitors. Numerous regional companies from Emsland and Osnabrück presented their products and services on the exhibition area, showcasing their latest developments. 

Our trade fair stand had the look of our Purpose key visual: Securing a sustainable future - empowered by technology. Many visitors struck up conversations with our colleagues on the spot. Our exhibition tool was a particular attraction for visitors. After all, visitors don't get to see one of these every day. 

"I really enjoyed being able to present the broad technical expertise of the ROSEN Group and explain it using a UT-CD tool. Above all, there were technical discussions in an informal atmosphere as well as discussions with technicians from almost every field," stated our colleague Matthias Westermann.


Lectures and excursion to the hydrogen laboratory


The 'EXPOLAB' lecture series, which was aimed at a specialist audience, i.e. engineers from northern Germany, took place in a side hall at the same time as the trade fair. Here, experts gave presentations on the topic of 'Sustainability and the use of technologies and methods that protect the environment and resources (GreenTech).' 

ROSEN colleague Marc Baumeister opened the session for our company with a ten-minute presentation on the topic of 'Inline inspection for hydrogen pipelines'. He summarized the requirements of a hydrogen environment with regard to the current state of the art of inspection solutions and focused on the necessary measures that need to be taken to inspect pipelines with larger diameters in 100 percent hydrogen in the future. 

But why just tell the audience about our hydrogen laboratory? Anyone who was interested could go on a direct excursion to our laboratory at the same time as the presentation. Around 25 curious visitors made their way to our company site by shuttle bus to gain exclusive insights into the hydrogen laboratory. Once on site, they were welcomed by ROSEN colleagues Florian Backherms and Frederik Schwall. They first showed the guests the test field with the various test areas. This was followed by a tour of the Test Center, including our hydrogen laboratory. The visitors were very interested and asked many questions. 

Our Technology Evangelists Tina Ulbrich and Hendrik Niemeyer (both Software Developers) prepared the second technical presentation. They answered the question of what sustainable software development is and whether there are 'green' aspects of programming languages. They showed how to achieve results quickly with Python and how to optimize critical areas in product development with C++ in order to end up with resource-saving software.

ROSEN supported school competition


The VDI RegioExpo also gave young talents of tomorrow the opportunity to present their creative ideas to the public in the form of a project on the topics of energy, mobility and recycling, which they had already developed in advance. The pupils showed how they imagine life in the year 2040. There were attractive educational prizes to be won, which were sponsored by ROSEN as well as other companies.


About the Association of German Engineers (VDI)
The Association of German Engineers (VDI) is the largest technical and scientific association in Europe. The district association Osnabrück-Emsland e.V. is one of 45 district associations in the VDI with approx. 1850 members. The district association has set itself the task of promoting technical science and research, as well as getting young people and engineers of tomorrow interested in technology.



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