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Project Week at HS Osnabrueck
11/14/2022 |News

Visualization of Sensor Data in Web

In a nutshell:

  • ROSEN provides topic for project week at University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück

  • Question: How can large amounts of sensor data be displayed on the web?

  • Eight students develop demo version

  • Important experiences and insights on both sides


This year's project week of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science took place at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences from October 24 to 28. During this time, students worked in teams on different issues. Some topics were suggested by the students themselves, others had arisen as an idea in a lecture. Some topics were "perennial favorites" that were also supervised by lecturers and students outside of the project week. And then there were topics which were developed in cooperation with companies.


'Browsing' Through Sensor Data


ROSEN also contributed a proposal for the project week: Eight students from the departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering dealt with the question of whether and how large amounts of (sensor) data can be displayed in a web browser in a performant way. Together they worked their way into the Python toolset 'holoviz'. This toolset enables the server-side reduction of the data to be transferred to the website. It was important to keep in mind that the reduction should preserve the information which was relevant for our use case. With this strategy, it would even be possible to 'browse' through sensor data on the web, whose file size exceeds the RAM several times over.


Live Demo at Closing Event


The team of students managed to dig into our domain and understand our test data in the short time of the project week. They succeeded in converting the test data in such a way that the holoviz toolset could open and visualize the data. In the end, there was even a live demo. At the closing event, the visitors had the opportunity to check it out on their smartphones using a QR code at our booth.


The best projects were awarded prizes at the closing event. Although our team did not win a place on the winners' podium, it was able to gain a lot of experience and take home new knowledge. The shared passion for technology drove both our colleagues on site and the students throughout the entire week. Thus, we as a company can also take away exciting insights from the collaboration with the committed young talents.

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