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ROSEN Supports LWL-Museum in Münster
6/19/2024 |News

Back in the Game With a Technical Update

In a nutshell:

  • ROSEN colleagues set the gaming table at the LWL Museum of Art and Culture in Münster back into operation
  • Gaming table illustrates the negotiation situation of the European peace, but was not usable for four years
  • Our experts have taken over the programming and updating of the table
  • Cooperation was established through the Münsterhack


Visitors to the LWL Museum of Art and Culture in Münster can now once again experience the Peace of Westphalia of 1648 interactively. Thanks to the su​pport of colleagues from our company and the LWL Cultural Foundation, the award-winning game table is ready for visitors to use again after four years.

Experience European Peace Up Close


The team at the LWL Museum developed a video game for the reopening in 2014 that made the negotiation situation of the European peace of 1648 tangible. A digital card game allowed visitors to experience the long road to peace and the end of the 30-year war in a playful way. The interactive gaming table captivated numerous visitors for several years. Unfortunately, the table had become technically outdated and was no longer usable for almost four years.


Gaming Table Reloaded


In October 2023, the LWL Museum organized a two-day conference on the digital mediation of the Peace of Westphalia with the financial support of the LWL Cultural Foundation, from which new ideas and experts were gained for the revision of the game table. In various workshops, the participants discussed the further development of the gaming table in terms of content and technology. As part of this project, the LWL Museum also took part in Münsterhack in order to gain external experts for its cause and involve the local community.


Teamwork at the Münsterhack


This is where ROSEN came into play. Once a year, the Münsterhack brings together the tech scene in Münster and honors innovative ideas that are committed to making the city a better place to live through their projects. Some of our colleagues also took part and used this opportunity to form a project group with the team from the LWL Museum. Within two days, they developed initial ideas that not only provided for a technical update of the game table, but were also intended to enable the museum to make sustainable and free use of the game system.​

Gaming Table Meets ROSEN


After the Münsterhack, the collaboration on the gaming table continued and the issues with the gaming table were analyzed. Our software developers Eyk Haneklaus and Patrick Felschen met with the museum team on a regular basis and worked on programming and updating the table.


"We were convinced that our support in restoring the gaming table would do some good. ROSEN stands for high-tech to ensure a sustainable future and we couldn't have found a more sustainable solution than this. And all the team members who worked on it are very proud of that," explains Eyk.​

Inauguration 2.0


After almost six months of collaboration, the time had recently come: together with our colleagues and in the presence of the Managing Director of the LWL Cultural Foundation, Dr. Friederike Maßling, the game table was inaugurated for the second time and can now officially be used again by visitors of the museum.


"We are delighted that the popular gaming table is once again inviting visitors to experience the peace negotiations of that time digitally. Young people in particular can learn how much this peace process has shaped our society today and our European understanding of democracy through dialogue," says Dr. Friederike Maßling, Managing Director of the LWL Cultural Foundation.


We are delighted that our colleagues were able to support the LWL Museum with a sustainable solution!​

Picture 1: Sara Hirschmüller and Ingrid Fisch, Art Education at the LWL Museum of Art and Culture, Patrick Felschen, ROSEN Group, Dr. Friederike Maßling, Managing Director of the LWL Cultural Foundation, Jörn Wunderlich, Head of Communications ROSEN Group and Eyk Haneklaus, Software Engineering Consultant at the ROSEN Group (from left) Picture: LWL/Hanna Neander

Picture 2 & 3: The gaming table in the LWL Museum of Art and Culture in Münster has been repaired with the support of the LWL Cultural Foundation and our colleagues from Lingen. Pictures: LWL/Hanna Neander

Picture 4: The team at Münsterhack

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