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ROKIDS receives certificate
2/21/2022 |News

ROKIDS receives certificate "Haus der kleinen Forscher"

In a nutshell: 

  • ROKIDS again receives certificate as 'Haus der kleinen Forscher' (house of little researchers)

  • Overall result of 93% proves high quality of education in MINT subjects

  • Seventh certification in a row

Our bilingual daycare center ROKIDS has once again been awarded the certificate 'Haus der kleinen Forscher' (house of little researchers) and thus receives the seventh certification in a row. 'Haus der kleinen Forscher' stands for special commitment in early childhood education in the field of science and technology. The scientific and technical orientation is continued as a holistic concept in our bilingual grade school ROBIGS and the youth initiative ROYOUTH. The goal is to inspire the youngest for MINT fields.

Curiosity and the Spirit of Research

"Science and technology are elementary components in our everyday life. With exciting activities and experiments, we bring children closer to the phenomena and miracles of our world. In this way, we want to encourage talents early on and awaken the spirit of research," Lisa Krause and Ann-Marie Gessner, ROKIDS management team, explain the educational background. The team adds: "In addition to guided activities, the children have free access to various kits and experiment boxes with which they can work independently and individually. It is impressive to see how even the youngest children explore their environment with curiosity and begin to understand it with their very own perspectives."

Top Marks for MINT Offerings

The documentation submitted by ROKIDS on the various offerings achieved an overall score of 93%. This proves the high quality of the pedagogical mediation of MINT educational content (mathematics, computer science, natural science and technology) in our company daycare center. Compared to the 2020 re-certification, ROKIDS was able to almost maintain the result (despite the Corona pandemic and several lockdowns) and continues to be well above the average value of 76% for applications submitted throughout Germany.

ROKIDS was evaluated in the criteria 'orientation quality', 'structural quality', 'process quality' and 'opening to the outside world'. After the inauguration in 2008, the bilingual daycare center was certified for the first time in 2010 and received the first follow-up awards already in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020.


About ‚Haus der kleinen Forscher'

‚Haus der kleinen Forscher' (house of little researchers) is a non-profit foundation that is committed to early childhood education in the fields of mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology (MINT). Daycare centers, after-school care centers and elementary schools that have firmly integrated this content into their everyday lives and regularly take the children on discovery trips have the opportunity to apply for certification. Further prerequisites for this are the documentation of projects and experiments as well as participation in further training courses in the MINT field. A certification is valid for two years. After that, a re-certification is necessary.

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ROKIDS receives top marks for early childhood education in STEM fields and seventh certification as "Haus der kleinen Forscher"