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Management Information Game 2023
7/6/2023 |News

Watering Your Garden 2.0

In a nutshell:

  • ROYOUTH hosts Management Information Game

  • 20 pupils manage fictitious companies in a business game

  • Technical presentations and ROSEN facility tour

  • Marketing evening with product presentations as highlight


Last week, ROYOUTH, our initiative for youth, hosted the Management Information Game (MIG). 20 students of the Vocational Schools Lingen (Ems) Technology and Design participated. The MIG is a computer-based business simulation with an economic focus. For one week, the eleventh graders managed their own company in the simulation. In the process, they made all relevant operational decisions in the face of changing market conditions. In three groups competing against each other, they developed a previously selected product (in this case innovative garden irrigation systems), made financial as well as personnel decisions. They also drew up a financial plan and a marketing concept.


Presentations and Decisions


Also this year, MIG participants were able to use the ROYOUTH Center throughout the week. During this time, they listened to different lectures from ROSEN colleagues as well as external speakers on the topics "Research and Development", "Company Goals and Organization", "Marketing", "Balance Sheets" and "Human Resources Management". The contents helped them to make decisions during the MIG week. On Wednesday, they got to know our company site in Lingen (Ems) during a facility tour.


Creative Ideas at the Marketing Evening


Finally, on Thursday, the highlight of the MIG took place in the visitor center of the ROSEN Group: the marketing evening. Here, the three groups presented the financial plans and marketing concepts for their innovative garden irrigation systems to an audience of representatives from local companies, who represented a fictitious group of buyers. Afterwards, they were able to ask questions and score the groups. All three groups had creative ideas for the product they had chosen themselves. For example, the systems were controlled by app or by a moisture sensor. There was also an integrated solar module, which was intended to make the irrigation system completely self-sufficient. One group was particularly convincing with its confident presentation and great ideas for the product during the presentations. Afterwards, the guests ended the evening together enjoying a buffet.


Impressions for the Future


The MIG week ended on Friday with the annual general meeting, where the groups had to present the annual financial statements of their fictitious companies. Overall, the participants gave a positive summary of the week: They had particularly enjoyed the facility tour and the marketing evening. Although some of them cannot imagine a future in the business sector, they spent a great week at ROYOUTH and the ROSEN Group and take away new impressions for their future.

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