In a nutshell:
Girls' and Boys' Day at the Lingen (Ems) site
60 young talents gained insights into the ROSEN Group
Activities in a wide range of professional fields
On April 25, 2024, pupils got to know the ROSEN Group as part of the Girls' and Boys' Day. Almost 60 young talents were able to gain insights into various professional fields at the Lingen (Ems) site.
Early Birds
Children and young people from various schools in the region streamed into our Innovation Center even before 8 am. After all 60 participants of this year's Girls' and Boys' Day had taken their seats, we started the day with a company presentation. There was also a brief introduction to our various training opportunities.
Apprenticeships in Different Flavors
Then it was time to start. Divided into three groups of 20 children and young people each, the participants set off on their discovery tour with a total of six guides – in style with the ROSEN bus for the longer distances. Over the course of the morning, they were given an insight into various professional fields and the diverse activities of our company. For example, they learned about the metalworking apprenticeships and the 'Electronics technician for devices and systems' apprenticeship, received information about the process and content of the apprenticeships and gained an insight into the day-to-day work of the apprentices.
Pipeline Inspection for Beginners
Of course, there were also insights into other training professions. For example, our colleagues from the IT and Software Design departments explained the technical equipment required for an office workstation. The boys and girls were then able to set this up under their professional guidance. At the same time, they had the opportunity to test our in-house developed game 'Pipe Inspector'. The aim: to inspect as many kilometers of pipeline as possible and to find the defects. The challenge: avoiding obstacles. Not easy at all!
The Power of Magnets
Another item on the agenda was a visit to the Test Field and the Test Center. Here, the participants could see how a cleaning pig runs by pumping it through a plexiglas pipe. The girls and boys were also able to examine different types of defects in pipe sections and different pigs. As the highlight of this station, the pupils were finally able to test their strength as they faced the challenge of pulling a strong magnet, which is normally used on our pigs, on a rope over a steel plate. It sounds easy at first, but it requires a lot of strength and everyone's ambition was awakened.
Get Creative at ROYOUTH
Of course, there was also a visit to our ROCARE units. Here, colleagues from our bilingual daycare center ROKIDS and our bilingual grade school ROBIGS presented their careers as educators and teachers and answered various questions from the participants. At our initiative for young people, ROYOUTH, the boys and girls were able to enjoy creative activities. Using solder, they designed signs with their own names, the names of their best friends or their pets, for example. Logos of favorite clubs or bands also took shape in the solder. They were supported by the entire ROYOUTH team, who gave the young talents a crash course in soldering.
Many Impressions
After a joint closing, the official program ended at 1 pm and the girls and boys were picked up. The parents or caregivers now had the opportunity to have lunch with the children and show them their workplaces. An eventful day, from which the participants hopefully took away many impressions of different professions.